Which shouldn’t be taken personally, it’s just…Leo Risings give so much to those they care about. Leo Risings are natural charmers, and it’s easy to feel as though you’re closer to them than you actually are. They take friendship very seriously, but don’t mistake their friendliness with actual friendship. Surrounding themselves with likeminded people, Leo Risings often end up serving as a listening ear and empathic shoulder for the people they’re closest to. When Leo Risings learn to show little to no interest in letting other people’s opinions dictate how they shine, then their flames somehow get brighter. FYI, shame is the direct result of external expectations and a belief in perfection. It’s not easy being a luminary, but thankfully, they learn to chill out when they learn to release their feelings of guilt. They may fixate over their appearance, complexion, attire, and the way that they present themselves to others. As a result, Leo Risings can be a little self-critical. That is a lot of pressure, and requires a massive demand for discipline and routine. Leo is ruled by the Sun, which literally means they get their inspiration from a massive star that powers the entire universe, never burns out, and keeps us all filled with vitamin D. For whatever reason, Leo Risings truly believe that they are limitless super-beings- which astrologically is a fair perspective. Leo Risings value perfectionism, which is why so many of them can be so unreasonably harsh on themselves and their loved ones. All About Leo, the Celebs of the Zodiac.They surround themselves with a team of winners and consciously choose to work toward success! Because they’re ruled by the Sun, Leo Risings are naturally inclined to shine. Simply put, Leo Risings do not walk through the world expecting to fail. Typically, their Midheaven (a point in your birth chart that gives insight into your career, life path, and social standing) falls in the sign of Taurus, which only enhances their need for a plan and desire for comforts. They may find that their journey leads to uncharted territories, and they’re dedicated to achieving fixed outcomes. It may not always be easy for a Leo Rising to know what they want or expect, but despite this, they pride themselves on having a sense of direction.

Leo Risings lead with a strong mind and clear intentions.

Henson, Demi Lovato The Leo Rising Mindset

Leo Rising celebrities: Tina Turner, Nancy Sinatra, Malala Yousafzai, Marilyn Monroe, Selena Gomez, Taraji P. Leo Rising’s worst traits: metaphorical balding, fear of falling, hard on self Leo Rising’s best traits: luminous, private, protective Ruling planet: Joke's on you, the Sun is a luminary For information, see Your Rising Sign Reveals What People Think of You If you would like to know your rising sign, Susan can analyze your chart and explain it to you in easy to understand terms. For example, if you are a Pisces with Gemini rising, and your friend is a Cancer with Libra rising, read for the compatibility of Pisces with Cancer, and Gemini with Cancer (these two examples would relate to you), and then read Libra with Pisces and Libra with Gemini, so that this time you would get a perspective from the other person’s point of view. If you know your rising sign, by all means, read the report for that sign as well. For some of your relationships, you may have to work a little harder, but in putting in the effort, you may be creating the strong glue that holds you together-and you both may have fun working on the relationship in the process. Susan feels strongly that all people can relate well with each other, for there are no bad pairings. You will learn the areas you have in common and areas that might bring a challenge or two. You’ll receive a free, detailed analysis personally written by Susan about how the two of you are likely to get along. To use the compatibility guide, choose your sign and then enter the sign of your partner, friend, or business associate (ignoring the romantic references for all except your romantic relationship). Susan wrote every word, and the entire guide comprises 65,000 words.Īstrology is not destiny, so while the two of you might not be a classic match in astrological terms, you both can still find a way to get along quite beautifully by understanding each other’s needs and personality traits. It is fun finding out how much you can learn about yourself AND your partner by reading this guide. Your Sun sign can provide a great deal of information about how you relate to others.