In a flashback in A Trip Down Memory Train!, a wild Bunnelby befriended a Zigzagoon.

In Candid Camerupt!, Victor Winstrate's Zigzagoon battled Brock's Mudkip and was able to defeat it using Thunderbolt. In The Blue Badge of Courage, the Gym Badge thieves used a Zigzagoon and a Poochyena to battle Misty's Psyduck and Sakura's Espeon, but both were defeated. In Zig Zag Zangoose!, it was used in a battle against Ash and his Pokémon. He was eventually successful after encountering several. In In the Knicker of Time, Nicholai tried to catch a Zigzagoon. While this succeeded with other Pokémon, humans instead mistook it wanting affection, much to the Zigzagoon's frustrations. They enjoy battling to the point they often attempt to provoke others into fighting it. It is believed that the zigzag movements of the Zigzagoon from other regions originated from its Galar relatives. The Zigzagoon in Galar are known to be constantly on the move and never settling down. Zigzagoon are capable of finding items in the grass or ground, including items that were lost. The Zigzagoon found outside of Galar are friendlier and calmer compare to their Galarian relatives.

It rubs its bristly back hair against trees to mark its territory and plays dead to fool opponents in battle. Zigzagoon is abundantly curious, as it wanders restlessly back and forth while rubbing its nose to the ground in search of something. It has a long pink tongue that is constantly hanging outside of its mouth with two lower teeth in between. The black feet contain three sharp white claws. The red eyes are surrounded by a black spiked mask. In Galar, the oldest and original form of Zigzagoon have more black-and-white-patterned fur. Its forefeet are cream-colored, but the hind feet are brown. Its feet have three claws and pink paw pads. The upper half of its mouth is jagged, and when it is open, there are two pointed teeth in its lower jaw. A black, mask pattern surrounds its brown eyes. It has a brown head with spiky ears and a black nose. It has stripes formed by alternating layers of cream and brown fur. Zigzagoon is a raccoon-like, quadrupedal Pokémon with bristly, zigzag-patterned fur. 5.7.5 By transfer from another generation.2.2 Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Animated Trailer.